Prints, stationery and design services to help the look and feel of small businesses

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The Full Story
Hello I'm Julie (also known as Queenie), I'm English and repatriated back to Surrey, UK in 2018 after living in The Hague, The Netherlands for over 10 years. QuMoo Design is my Graphic Design business that specialises in vintage styled art travel prints a "perfect reminder of time well spent", I also have expanded into other items such as glass boards, plates and cards.
The vintage styled art travel prints are all designed by me - they are individual and creative with intense and rich colours printed upon superior giclee glossy fine art paper. I also offer graphic design services such as logos, branding kits and PDF's utilising Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop.
HOW IT ALL STARTED ... Whilst living in The Hague it was a feature of life for international friends to leave and move on to new postings in another country. I was always searching for the perfect leaving gift/memento and could never find it so decided to create my own (my first print The Den Haag Cityscape). Friends liked it, friends of friends asked for it and very soon I was selling various Netherlands travel prints and an expanding variety of other images. A wonderful way to start a business by finding a gap in the market!
One of QuMoo Design prints has been placed on permanent record at the Dutch archives. The print is of the European Police Offices in The Hague entitled “Europol”, this is such an honour, it makes me feel time in the Netherlands was well spent and I’ve left a real reminder of our time there: https://haagsgemeentearchief.nl/mediabank/beeldcollectie/detail/6c0df34f-b8c9-433e-ab5a-8012cead792d/media/eb4b871e-b0fa-8a9b-4747-be3eaeffb265?mode=detail&view=horizontal&q=europol&rows=1&page=1 Europol's Chief of Staff, Sebastien Moras, bought one of the Europol prints and asked if he could use it as his Twitter banner (which I was very happy to agree to).
Place 2 Be charity (via Paperchase) chose one of QuMoo's designs, a Christmas Tree and her calligraphy, to be their charity Christmas card. Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity whose Royal Patron is HRH The Princess of Wales. QuMoo said "it was a tremendous honour to be chosen by a charity whose focus is on children's mental wellbeing in schools, I'm thrilled that my design is supporting this charity".
QuMoo Design collaborated with luxury brand Toyota Lexus during the Summer of 2021 to create a travel print of Lexus alongside Brighton Pier "it was with great happiness and genuine excitement that we announced the collaboration between QuMoo Design and Toyota Lexus" said Queenie Moorhouse, owner of QuMoo Design. "QuMoo Travel Prints are a perfect reminder of time well spent. The vintage styled art travel prints are abstract by design with intense, rich, boho colours. The print I've designed of Brighton conjures up memories of warm, summer days enjoying the bustle and buzz of Brighton's charming seaside town on the south coast of England - a perfect place to drive to". For companies looking to help small businesses/SME, the collaboration of a luxury high-quality brand Corporate of Lexus Toyota supporting a micro business such as sole trader QuMoo Design is a great unique example. Supporting small is great business for both sides, large corporates have the ability to make a difference, they understand how entrepreneurship has influenced their success, and in turn, how their success can influence entrepreneurship for the better. Kindness counts.
HOW IT’S GOING …. when I returned to the UK I continued with the travel print theme, especially as we re-visited a lot of places that meant something to us - I now have over 50 designs of places around the UK.
ALSO... I'm also a Director of Venture Adventures Ltd "The Business Start Up One Stop Shop". I have co-authored a Business Workbook (as seen in The Times and the Evening Standard), attended as Exhibitors the Business Show (Excel, London) and StartUp 2020 (Aldwych, London) to explain how Venture Adventures, as a DIY business accelerator, can assist them.
QuMoo Design's Wimbledon Village design was on the front cover of Wimbledon's Time and Leisure Magazine July 2022 during Wimbledon fortnight - a great honour. Inside the magazine Queenie was given an "artist spotlight" with the following "We love the image of Wimbledon Village by Queenie, founder of QuMoo Design, whose distinctive travel prints feature local landmarks and well-known vistas. Check out her collection on Etsy, with great images of Putney, Wandsworth and Battersea." www.timeandleisuremedia.co.uk
Find QuMoo Design shops on:
Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/qumoodesign
Folksy: www.folksy.com/shops/qumoodesign
Amazon Handmade: www.amazon.co.uk/handmade/QuMoo-Design
Prints sales: over 1200 (October 2022)
5 star reviews: over 130
Travel Print designs: over 50
UK business: since 2018
Business located: Surrey, UK
Travel Prints are available in sizes A4, A3, A2. Glossy FineArt Baryta paper - it preserves haptic exclusiveness and meets the requirements of museums and galleries (ISO 9706).
Wholesale catalogue available on request (via email).
Some of QuMoo's products can be found on Folksy's Press Loft Account for download: https://www.pressloft.com/app/press-office/18652/images?menu%5BclientName%5D=Folksy&query=QuMoo.
QuMoo Design logo (PNG), image of QuMoo Design owner (JPEG), high res cut out available on request.